Friday, June 29, 2007

Obscure 2 Submitted to Sony: French People seen Smiling Fondly

This picture was taken just after I burned a copy of my new Celine Dion CD. I’m just kidding, I absolutely hate Celine Dion. In a good sort of way - the type of aversion that doesn’t mean that I want to see her trampled by enraged Pamplonan bulls or shipped off to Guantanamo Bay (per se), but the type of hate that means that I don’t like the sound she produces on the public stage.

Much like I wouldn’t buy a CD with the mating sounds of the bearded vulture, I would not buy a Celine Dion CD. Well maybe I would buy the vulture CD just because I am kind of curious what sound they produce while mating, but I wouldn’t buy a soundtrack of Celine Dion mating because I imagine that it might be worse than her singing.

But I digress friends, of course the picture displayed is the first Gold Master of Obscure 2, the one that is being shipped off to Liverpool where Sony’s QA Rohirrim are going to try and trample it and test whether it is fit to adorn their banner or whether it has distinct orcish qualities.
I am fucking psyched obviously, and so was Francois, the development producer on the project: you can see his wide “thank-the-gods-that-this-isn’t-a-soundtrack-of-Celine-Dion-mating” type smile.

He is a very cool cat and a talented French person: the type of guy that would work at a company like Hydravision, which – as you understand by now – I hold in very high regard.

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