Monday, June 11, 2007

Mad Tram Driver

I can think of a cool new game: it's called Amsterdam Tram Driver. You play a fifty-year old female tram driver in Amsterdam, making her way through the city of sin, drugs and clogs, as she verbally abuses her passengers, scares other tramdrivers into driving too fast, and over-abuses the tram's warning signal.
Really, it would be quite special. It happened to me this morning namely: I was trapped in tram 5 outbound from Amsterdam Central Station, with this total madwoman behind the steering wheel. Well - trams have no steering wheels of course, only a gas pedal and brakes, but she was using the latter one sparingly. Instead, she scared everything and everyone on her path by continuously using the tram's warning sound - which, on a dutch tram, sounds like a hyperactive funeral bell. Also, she verbally assaulted almost everyone daring to enter the tram through the front side passenger entry. It was quite...Burtonesque, if you get what I mean.

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