I know all of you share the same kind of discomfort right now, looking at the picture on the right. Or maybe you are day-dreaming, thinking of what I am holding in my hand? Yes friends, that's
ein mass, a litre of cold, delicious german beer. Well, to be eaxact, it's not beer, but a noble brew of natural quality that is called
So what has this got to do with Obscure 2 you might ask? Well, it's kind of like this: you come back from a holiday in Crete with girlfriend and kids. You've done nothing but drink beer al day long and sit in the sun. You arrive home and are called by your office: "Your tickets are ready". "What tickets?" you ask, innocently.
"Your airplane tickets to Germany."
"Germany?" You wonder out loud, "I'm not going to Germany am I?"
"Yes you are," the voice on the other side say, "on monday. You are flying from Amsterdam to Hamburg, you will do 25 interviews in 4 days, then you'll fly back from Munich. The PR agent from the german agency will pick you up on the airport. Have fun."
click says the phone.
So that's how I was united, in holy matrimony (if only for a short while - but really hot affairs are usually shortlived anyway) with this 1 litre glass of beer.
And I did some interviews - in case you were starting to wonder - with german gaming magazines and websites about Obscure 2. You know, who have subscriber numbers that make elitist UK gaming rags pale by comparison (not to mention, snobbish dutch ones), like 450.000 for instance. I also did several video interviews, one of which for MTV Germany, who were like, the coolest and nicest gaming press people I have ever met.
Thanks to Ingo Horn from
IMC (Interactive Media Consulting), the press tour went very well. Afterwards he called me "the best and most professional producer..." [he had] "...ever been on a presstour with," so I'll return the favor and publicly state (so that I don't have to pay him actual money for that statement about me) that he was the best and most professional PR man I have ever been on a press tour with in Germany. Which has only ever happened to me once in total I must admit, but nevertheless Ingo and his comerades (who were the brains behind the
Y-Project by the way) come highly recommended.
In case you were wondering, all of this happened a few weeks back. I actually haven't been touring through Germany and recording voices for Obscure 2 at the same time. I could have if I wanted to (especially after a few more litre glasses of German Pillsner), but I chose not to. When I will reveal my extraordinary powers during the End-Times, I wil pull off much neater tricks than that. Trust me. And I'll be drinking more than ein mass while doing it.