Friday, July 07, 2006

Abberant Practices - Part 1

This might or might not be of interest to you: a series of pictures that portray important elements in my life. I know, it's horrible. I've joined the living dead. My only defense is that once you have been bitten, you cry out for brains just like any other undead being.

The first picture is my girlfriend Marianne. She is wearing a Penny Arcade tshirt I bought for her. The reason why she is looking extremely pleased is that she has procured the services of a new coffee machine. This makes her very happy as you can see. I kind of feel threatened by this development as she is much more pleased to see the cold contraption that brews hot bean juice, than she is when she gazes upon my worn mug.

She's obsessed with wedding dresses, princess Sissi, puzzle games, cats, Madonna and God of War (seriously, I watched her play the entire PS2 game - it was just too cool). She works at a local book store and meets famous writers and politicians. She's also got two great kids born of an ill-fated and unhappy marriage.

This is Dilara Angelina Maria who was named after my girfriend's favourite computer game character (after Kratos!): Lara Croft, and the actress that portrayed her in two movies. She is 4 years old and loves the color pink. She also likes to dress up like a little Disney Princess (It doesn't matter from which animated feature, she's got all of their dresses), and pouts and cries when she doesn't get her way. She drives me and her mom up the walls sometimes and that is why we love her very much, even though I am sometimes convinced that she is the reincarnation of the goddess Hecate.

She's got l33t skillz in being cute and demonic at the same time, hates vegetables (especially peas) and loves strawberries (as long as they come in liquified form). She is the epitome of girlishness and we are going to put her in a ballet class very soon because she wants to be lithe and fairy-like, but lacks the motor skills to be so (at the moment). Her favorite song is "Vrij Zijn" by Marco Borsato (a Dutch singer) and even though she can't remember any of the lyrics, it is adorable to watch her sing the refrain of the song over and over again (which translates to something like "Free, she only wants to be free!"). In the photograph she is wearing a ballet dress her mom bought for her.

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